Tampa Catholic High School
  • Children not picked up from school by 2:50 pm will be sent to the Aftercare Program and applicable daily rates will be applied.
  • Children must be picked up at the gate on 2nd Street. Parents must walk up to the gate and we will call for your child. 
  • In the event of an emergency or unexpected late pick-up, the parent or guardian must call the Aftercare Director, Michelle Cunningham.
  • A Snack & Drink will be given (approx. 4:30 pm) to full day aftercare students. Children are welcome to bring their own snacks if they wish.
  • There will be a late pick-up charge for each minute past pick-up time. Habitual late pick-up will not be tolerated, and you may be asked to make other arrangements for after school care.
  • If a child is going home with someone else, a parent must put the change in School Dismissal Manager and notify the Aftercare Director. ID must be presented before the student is released for pick-up. Last minute calls are not acceptable.
  • After School charges are billed monthly and will be added to your FACTS Tuition account. Your child will not be allowed to remain in the After School Program if your account is delinquent.

Aftercare Phone: (609)509-1119

Email  m.cunningham@stanthonyftl.org

Fees and Registration Form
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